In this week’s Matt’s Minutes, I share an idea for the first time ever!

I draw a parallel between baseball (Football, not baseball) and investing to highlight an important lesson: It’s rarely the “hail mary pass” at the end of the game that wins the game. If you aren’t sure what I am referring to, allow me to explain.  A hail mary pass is a desperation pass from the QB to no particular person in hopes that one of their own team members secures the ball in the endzone in an attempt to win the game. Sure, every once in a while it works (it worked a couple weeks ago in fact).  Many clients come to me with regrets about not investing in a particular ‘hot’ stock, but the truth is, we don’t rely on high-risk, high-reward strategies.  If football teams relied on the hail mary pass as their strategy to win, their win/loss record would be dismal. In this video, I share a personal story where a hail mary investment in my own personal account was successful, but it didn’t significantly impact my overall portfolio. Click the video above to understand why steady, strategic plays are the real game changers in your financial journey.

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