In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are talking about CD rates, which are currently favorable. But it is crucial to consider potential shifts in other areas of the market for investment options for long-term growth. In this interesting visual I share, we can see from history that when CD rates were at their peak, other areas of the market might have been a better place to invest one year later. Click play above to watch the full video.
Market Related
Where Are The Opportunities?
By Hannah Elzea
In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, I’m recording from a two-day conference in beautiful Alderbrook. I just heard from chief market strategist Dr. David Kelly, who is a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and other financial media outlets. He shared some interesting insights and compelling visuals that support the idea that there are still plenty of opportunities within the market. The visual shared in this video provides a visual representation of the current undervalued categories within the market, highlighting the potential for growth and opportunity.
Are Bonds Broken?
By Hannah Elzea
In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we were discussing bonds. While bonds may have disappointed us last year, it’s important to understand how interest rates impact the value of bonds and why they underperformed last year. In the video above, Matt explains this inverse relationship, and by understanding the dynamics of bonds, investors can anticipate how changes in interest rates may affect the value of bonds in their portfolios.
Is hindsight really 20/20 vision?
By Hannah Elzea
In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are discussing hindsight—is it really 20/20? Hindsight may seem like 20/20 vision because it allows us to see the consequences of our choices more clearly. However, it’s important to remember that the decision-making process itself plays a crucial role in shaping those outcomes. Seeking wise counsel can often lead to better outcomes and help you avoid potential pitfalls. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us for the support you need on your decision-making journey.
The Pain of Loss vs. The Pleasure of Gains
By Hannah Elzea
In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are talking about the concept of loss aversion. The study I reference in this video highlights the fact that most people need to win twice as much as they lose in order to participate in any venture that involves risk. Said differently, the sting of lose hurts twice as much as the thrill of win. This finding sheds light on the importance of understanding our individual risk tolerance and how it can impact how we invest. Attached to this email is a risk questionnaire. It is a very unique questionnaire that is actually fun to take. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions, you can gain valuable insights into your own appetite for risk. If you do answer the questions, please email us and let us know what your risk score or letter is.
Matt’s Minutes – Thoughts On The Debt Ceiling
By Hannah Elzea
In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are discussing the US debt ceiling. I’m sure you have been hearing about this on the news, but what does it really mean? Is it something you should be concerned about? Click to watch the video to find out more.