
Identify Your Role: Victim, Hero, Guide, or Rescuer

In life, books, or movies, we often find ourselves and others playing one of four key roles: Victim, Hero, Guide, or Rescuer. Have you ever felt trapped in your circumstances, unable to move forward? You’re not alone. Many of us have experienced the victim role at some point. But what if you could shift from being a victim to becoming the hero of your own story?

In this video, we’ll explore these four roles and how they impact your life journey. If you’re feeling stuck in victim status, it’s time to find a guide, not a rescuer, to help you take control and propel yourself toward hero status. Identifying where you are in life is the first step to creating a powerful transformation.

Let’s Talk About Worry

In today’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, Matt’s talking about worry. What should you be worrying about? Worrying about things that are within your control and can be changed is more productive than worrying about things that are out of your control. Matt discusses this concept of expiring knowledge versus permanent knowledge. Understanding the difference between temporary worries and permanent concerns can help you prioritize your mental energy effectively. Click on the video above to watch the full video.

This picture speaks volumes

Take a look at the picture we show in the video.  I think it’s probably the most simple visual of what it looks like for people who choose the easy road versus the hard road, and what their potential experience looks like once they’ve made that choice.   

Please share this message with those that you care about.

“Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.”Malcolm Gladwell

A Fantastic Story about Happiness and Making a positive Impact

In this episode of Matt’s Minutes, Matt is sharing a thought-provoking story about happiness. True happiness often comes from selflessly giving and contributing to the happiness of others. By focusing solely on our own happiness, we may miss out on the profound joy that comes from making a positive impact in someone else’s life. It is through acts of kindness and compassion towards others that we can truly discover a deeper sense of fulfillment and lasting happiness.

Click on the video above to hear the full story.

New Year’s Resolutions or Intentional Conversations?

As we approach the end of the year, I know a lot of people like to reflect on the past and look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead. I am sure everyone of us has, at some point in our lives, set a new year’s resolution. A Google search on resolutions produced this list:

  • Save more money
  • Exercise more
  • Eat Heathier
  • Lose weight
  • Reduce spending
  • Reduce stress
  • Spend less time on social media.

One common theme with the items above is that they are focused on one’s self. That doesn’t make them bad, but life is short, and I have never regretted an intentional conversation. I would like to challenge you to ask yourself and those near and dear to you five important questions. These are questions that could have helped shape who you are or could make a major impact on someone’s life this year. These types of questions can act as a roadmap for better understanding each other and a platform for intentionality.

  1. What is one piece of advice that somebody gave you that you feel has altered the course of your life?
  2. What’s a piece of advice that you gave to somebody that might have altered the course of their life?
  3. If you could give somebody some advice and you knew they would take it, what advice would it be, and who would you give it to?
  4. If you set one goal for yourself and knew you would achieve it, what would that goal be?
  5. If you could do something for somebody else in the next year, what would you do, and who would you do something for?

We love being part of your life. If you care to… please email us at help@rossfinancialinc.com with your answers to one or more of these questions from above.

Happy New Year!

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