Market Related

Matt’s Minutes – Is This The Worst Time To Be An Investor?

In this week’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are posing this question, “Is this the worst time to be an investor?”. We’re looking at an interesting visual that contradicts this thought and shows how previous market downturns have contrasted to our current situation.

Source for the visual used in this video: S&P 500 (Price return), Bloomberg, Bespoke Investment Group.

Matt’s Minutes – Why The Value Of Your Investment Account Isn’t Important

This might be the most controversial episode Matt has ever produced. In this week’s episode of Matt’s Minutes, we are discussing why the balance of your investment account doesn’t really matter. Now that I have your attention, hear me out. Click the video above to see why.


Matt references dollar cost averaging in this video. If you want to see a great example of dollar cost averaging, watch this video: Dollar-Cost Averaging: A Magic Trick

What If I suggested We Get Out of The Market?

In this episode of Matt’s Minutes, I’m proposing a hypothetical question to you all. What if I suggested we get out of the market? Selling out of the market may give investors some short-term relief but long-term reflection could be filled with regret. Watch the video above to hear my rationale on why this is an important scenario to walk through during market downturns.

Unscientific Science

In this week’s Matt’s Minutes, we discuss a common pattern that has emerged over the years regarding the bottom of the market. Matt talks about the “unscientific science” behind client calls and market timing that may surprise most.  Essentially in our experience, the most concerned calls and emails from clients have historically peaked at a time when the market is bottoming out.  This isn’t a prediction of what we think is about to happen but calls and emails recently have hit an all-time high and it will be interesting to see where the market goes from here. 

Politics & The Market

Dylan discusses a hot and at times contentious topic. With the upcoming mid-term elections, you may be wondering how that may affect the stock market. Check out the video above to see Dylan breakdown some historical trends of the market during election periods. Once the midterm elections are over, we will be sure to follow up with some additional commentary.

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